How to create and configure Issue Pickers ?
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  • How to create and configure Issue Pickers ?



    1. How to create a new Issue Picker using the App Configuration Panel ?

    Required Jira Role: Jira Software Administrator

    • Click on Setting > Apps

    • Navigate to the Issue Picker App

    • Click on the following Button to create a new Issue Picker

    • Then starting configuring the Issue Picker — see Chapter 3

    2. How to create a new Issue Picker using the standard function ?

    Required Jira Role: Jira Software Administrator

    • Click on Setting > Issues

    • Navigate to the Custom Fields

    • Click the Button “Create Custom field”

    • Select All > VIP.LEAN Issue Pickers

    • Click on Next and enter the Custom Field name (and optionally the description), and the click on “Create”

    • Navigate to the App Configuration Panel and complete the configuration of the the Issue Picker – See Chapter 3

    3. How to configure the Issue Picker ?

    Required Jira Role: Jira Software Administrator
    During the creation Phase of the Issue Picker, the following parameters should be completed:









    Provide a name for your issue picker.
    Note: While you can't modify this when editing an existing Issue Picker, it can be adjusted via the Jira interface for custom fields.



    Input a description for your custom field. Remember: This isn't editable when tweaking an existing Issue Picker but can be modified in the Jira custom fields interface.



    Default: No

    Toggle the Issue Picker Field between multi-select and single-select modes.

    Restricted to current project


    Default: No

    When turned on, the JQL focuses solely on the project in which an Issue is either being added or modified. This allows for a consistent Issue Picker field and setting, even when the dropdown options are meant to vary by project

    Filter (JQL)

    JQL Syntax is checked by the app

    Enter your JQL query to specify the issues that will be displayed in the Issue Picker dropdown. Our app will verify the syntax of the JQL before finalizing the setup. If there's a syntax error, a notification will alert you:

    Link Type

    List of inward and outward Links.
    Default: no Link

    If enabled, a native Jira link of the chosen type will be established between the current and selected Issue(s) once an Issue is picked.
    Please be aware: The app retains the link object, but it will be deleted once the selected issue is either removed or substituted with another issue.

    4. How to assign the Issue Picker to Screens ?

    Required Jira Role: Jira Software Administrator

    4.1 Company Managed Projects

    Once the Issue Picker is successfully created, it will appear as a custom field in your regular Jira list: <base-url>/secure/admin/ViewCustomFields.jspa

    For assigning your Issue Picker to your existing screens (create, edit, and view), please utilize the standard Jira functionality


    4.1 Team Managed Projects

    The simplified process for assigning custom fields to screens in team-managed projects can also be applied to our Issue Pickers: