Atlassian Forge Platform Limitations
1- IP Allowlist
When your Jira instance uses the IP Allowlist to limit access to Jira, please make sure you allow access for the Forge Platform as well.
If the correct IP ranges are not included, our Forge app will display the following message:
All our Forge apps are hosted on the Atlassian Forge platform. The required IP ranges should be retrieved from the Atlassian documentation, which can be found here:
IP addresses and domains for Atlassian cloud products | Atlassian Support (product = forge)
2- Functional Limitations
The Jira Forge platform has some limitations, addressed to Atlassian:
Custom Fields in Transition Screens: Forge currently lacks support for adding custom fields to workflow transition screens (Issue Pickers..).
Service Management Integration: There are limitations in supporting some functionalities in Jira Service Management, like adding the Issue Picker custom fields to the portal.
Data Residency: Forge apps do not currently support data residency options, meaning all data is handled through US-based AWS infrastructure. This can be a significant limitation for compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR (Atlassian Developer) (The Atlassian Developer Community). See: Forge data residency
UI Modifications not supported for Transition Screens
Internationalization: There is no support for internationalization, making it challenging to develop apps that need to cater to multiple languages and locales (Atlassian Developer).
Private Marketplace Listing: Forge does not support private marketplace listings, limiting the ability to distribute apps privately within specific organizations or groups (Atlassian Developer).
3- Capacity Limitations
Please refer to the capacity limitations enforced by Atlassian:: Atlassian developer changelog
4 September 2023
DEPRECATION NOTICE Introducing per issue limits for issue list fields
REST API - Jira Cloud Platform
REST API - Jira Software Cloud
In 6 months, we will enforce limits per issue for the number of:
Comments: 5000 comments per issue
Worklogs: 5000 worklogs per issue
Attachments: 2000 attachments per issue
Issue links: 2000 issue links per issue (excluding child issues and subtasks)
Remote links: 2000 remote issue links per issue
An error response will occur if the limit is exceeded for:
Operations via REST APIs
Automation rules
Issue transitions
There will be no change for existing issue data that is already over the limit. All existing issues over the limit will be retained as is.